Guiding clients towards their goals
Late 30’s couple
Late 30’s couple as young serial entrepreneurs, our clients were excited to celebrate their first $100 million dollar ‘exit’. For over ten years they had educated millions of people around the world on how to use technology, now they had questions and were looking for advice.
Our team worked with their other trusted advisors (accountants/lawyers) to ensure that tax was minimized at the source. Once completed, our next task was to design & implement an investment portfolio that would account for their current income needs while enabling the assets to grow into the future.
We used our Madams Advisory Group portfolios, coupled with strategic alternatives to accomplish a well-designed Total Return Portfolio. Rounding out the experience our group has leveraged the private banking offering allowed to CIBC Wood Gundy clients as well as Estate/Financial planning
We are thankful for the opportunity to work with clients who have placed their trust in our group.
Late 70’s couple
As a retired business owner our client was looking to replace the income generated from operating the family real estate portfolio.
Our team worked alongside their accountant to ensure that all (all of the assets or all assets?) the assets were in the correct account types, utilizing registered retirement savings plans, retirement income funds, tax free savings accounts, corporate investment accounts, charitable giving accounts, and taking advantage of the capital dividend account to minimize taxes today and into the future.
We have used multiple Madams Advisory Group strategies in conjunction with tailored investment solutions to maximize return, while keeping a balanced approach to investing.
We helped arrange meetings with a Lawyer to ensure a proper Will and corporate planning is in place for their adult children.
A Manitoba foundation & ultra high net worth family
As retired successful business owners, the clients were looking for a group they could trust with their personal assets as well as their foundation. The foundation has monthly obligations as well as numerous requests for gifts throughout the year. This presented a challenge as we had to ensure safety of assets while maximizing regular income. On top of this request was the management of family member assets and corporate assets.
Using our Madams Advisory Group portfolio’s as well as unique ‘defined outcome’ strategies we’ve been able to meet the demands of the foundation, as well as grow the asset base for the family members and corporation.
Recently we’ve been able to incorporate private banking with the family and look forward to designing a clear financial portrait for each family member as succession planning continues.